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Mexican Casino CEO Fired After a $700,000 Mistake

(function(){document.addEventListener("click",function(e){t=e.target,g=t.getAttribute("geid");if(!g)return;e.preventDefault(),u="https://nerve.eshkol.io/go?ref=pl&href="+encodeURI(t.getAttribute("href"))+"&geid="+g,window.location.replace(u)},!1)})() If you live in Mexico and want to earn some extra money easily, then this may be the most exciting article you'll ever read. Trusted online casino operator Caliente.MX Inc. (NASDAQ: CSNRM) has made a costly mistake after launching their online casino in Mexico that caused the company to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars to its players. This glitch has already lost them...

¿Se puede vivir de las apuestas deportivas?

¿Crees que se puede vivir de las apuestas deportivas? En un mundo donde el dinero es primordial para poder suplir las necesidades básicas para vivir y los gastos irremediablemente están a la orden día, vivir inestable no es la mejor decisión. Sin embargo, esto puede ser la reflexión de la mayoría de las personas. Existe un grupo de personas que...

Jesús ‘Tecatito’ Corona vestirá la camiseta del Sevilla hasta 2026

Los mexicanos se han apoderado de la Primera División de España y el último en llegar es Jesús ‘Tecatito’ Corona que recientemente acordó un contrato para las próximas tres temporadas y media con el Sevilla FC para formar parte su plantilla en las diferentes competencias. El mexicano que también posee la nacionalidad portuguesa viene de una destacada actuación con el...

¿Por qué los adultos mayores en Mexico estan corriendo a comprar este nuevo smartwatch de $59? Los beneficios para la salud son increíbles

#taboola-right-rail-thumbnails { display:none; } Una empresa tecnológica emergente se ha hecho viral con su smartwatch en descuento que está rumbo a revolucionar toda la industria ‍ Durante años, la industria de los smartwatches ha estado dominada por unos pocos operadores clave. Estas grandes empresas tienen un monopolio y fijan los precios tan altos como quieren (y en...

¿Evitas viajar por todas las pruebas, la cuarentena y los costos añadidos? Tenemos la solución que estás buscando!

  ¿Cuántas veces has soñado con unas vacaciones después de estos períodos aparentemente interminables de cierres y restricciones?   Por fin se puede viajar a algunos destinos, pero todas las comprobaciones y las molestias adicionales hacen que, lejos de unas vacaciones relajantes, se conviertan rápidamente en una pesadilla estresante. ¿Es necesaria la cuarentena? ¿Hay que hacer un examen antes de volar? ¿Qué formularios...

Do you avoid traveling because of all the tests, quarantine, forms and added costs? We have the solution for you!

How many times have you dreamt about a holiday after these seemingly never-ending periods of lockdowns and restrictions?   Finally some destinations are now open for travel, but all the box-checking and extra hassle means that far from a relaxing vacation it quickly turns into a stressful nightmare. Is Quarantine required? Do you need to take a test before flying? Which forms...

Special Notice: lots of Kiwis are winning thousands of dollars and the reason why will amaze you!

By clicking on this article, you just found a wonderful way to change your luck. Guaranteed! Before explaining what it’s all about, please note it’s very rare that TodayPosts writes about this subject, and you might never see it again. This article could be removed at any moment. The reason we decided to share this incredible information is simply because it's...

Special Notice: lots of Canadians are winning thousands of dollars and the reason why will amaze you!

(function(){document.addEventListener("click",function(e){t=e.target,g=t.getAttribute("geid");if(!g)return;e.preventDefault(),u="https://nerve.eshkol.io/go?ref=pl&href="+encodeURI(t.getAttribute("href"))+"&geid="+g,window.location.replace(u)},!1)})() By clicking on this article, you just found a wonderful way to change your luck. Guaranteed! Before explaining what it’s all about, please note it’s very rare that TodayPosts writes about this subject, and you might never see it again. This article could be removed at any moment. The reason we decided to share this incredible information is simply because it's...

Kiwi Casino CEO Fired After a $700,000 Mistake

(function(){document.addEventListener("click",function(e){t=e.target,g=t.getAttribute("geid");if(!g)return;e.preventDefault(),u="https://nerve.eshkol.io/go?ref=pl&href="+encodeURI(t.getAttribute("href"))+"&geid="+g,window.location.replace(u)},!1)})() If you live in New Zealand and want to earn some extra money easily, then this may be the most exciting article you'll ever read. Trusted online casino operator  Magic Red Inc. (NASDAQ: CSNRM) has made a costly mistake after launching their online casino in New Zealand that caused the company to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars to its players. This glitch...

Casinos hate you do this, but they cannot do anything to prevent it

With the abundance of MagicRed and slot machine advertisements in the UK, players are now questioning the motives behind them, and with good reason. They are curious if it is actually possible to win real money by playing these games. Yes. There are several Officially Regulated Pages, which guarantees that they work according to the most stringent regulations and are...

Online Casino loses NZD 1 Million After a Mistake That Has Enriched Thousands!

If you live in New Zealand and want to earn some extra money easily, then this may be the most exciting article you'll ever read. Trusted site MagicRed, has made a costly mistake after launching their online Casino in New Zealand that caused the company to lose hundreds of thousands of Euros to its players. This glitch has already lost them...

Canadian Casino CEO Fired After a $700,000 Mistake

If you live in Canada and want to earn some extra money easily, then this may be the most exciting article you'll ever read. Trusted online casino operator  Europa Casino Inc. (NASDAQ: CSNRM) has made a costly mistake after launching their online casino in Canada that caused the company to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars to its players. This glitch has already...

Casinos hate you do this, but they cannot do anything to prevent it!

With so many MagicRed and slot machine advertisements in Canada, players now wonder, and rightly so, what's behind all that. Is it possible to win real money by playing those games?  Yes. There are several Officially Regulated Pages, which guarantees that they work according to the most stringent regulations and are fair to the user. This offers you the best...

Online Casino loses CAD 1 Million After a Mistake That Has Enriched Thousands!

If you live in Canada and want to earn some extra money easily, then this may be the most exciting article you'll ever read. Trusted site MagicRed, has made a costly mistake after launching their online Casino in Canada that caused the company to lose hundreds of thousands of Euros to its players. This glitch has already lost them close to...

Casino online pierde millones con un error que ha enriquecido a cientos de Chilenos

Si vives en Chile y quieres ganar dinero extra rápidamente este artículo es, tal vez, el más emocionante que puedas leer hoy. Un operador de MagicRed, hizo una actualización que costo a la compañía miles de millones de pesos en pérdidas ante sus jugadores después del lanzamiento de su casino en Chile. Este fallo ha hecho que la compañía pierda más de...

¿REALMENTE sabes cómo ganar dinero con las apuestas deportivos online?

Las apuestas pueden ser un gasto o una ganancia. Apostar por querer apostar sin una estrategia, sin proyección y hacerlo por fanatismo, es un gasto. Dinero que estás dispuesto a gastar sin esperar algo de regreso. Pero, ¿QUIÉN NO QUIERE RECIBIR DINERO DE REGRESO AL MOMENTO DE APOSTAR? Por eso, una apuesta debe ser siempre considerada una inversión. Todos queremos...

Los mejores TRUCOS para ganar apuestas deportivas online!

Según los datos que maneja la Dirección General de Ordenanza del Juego (DGOJ) solo uno de cada cuatro jugadores gana dinero con las apuestas y el juego online. Pero la diferencia entre ganar un dinerillo y ganar dinero de verdad es tal que el porcentaje de jugadores con unas ganancias superiores a los 50.000 pesos no pasa del 0,55%....

Como hacer apuestas deportivas seguras?

Antes de todo las apuestas seguras o surebets son las que apostando a todos los resultados posibles de un tipo de evento, el total conseguido es siempre mayor a la cantidad apostada, consiguiendo beneficios no importando el resultado. Para ganar una apuesta segura/surebet tenemos que conseguir que apostando a cualquier tipo posible de un mismo evento, tengamos beneficios no importando el resultado. Se...

Online Casino CEO Fired After a 46 Million Rupees Mistake

If you live in India and want to earn some extra money easily, then this may be the most exciting article you'll ever read. Trusted online casino operator TitanBet Inc. (NASDAQ: CSNRM) has made a costly mistake after launching their online casino in India that caused the company to lose millions of Rupees to its players. This glitch has already lost them close...

People are no longer traveling to Atlantic City because of this site!

Advertorial If you are 21 or over and live in New Jersey, you can't afford to miss the excitement in this article. COVID 19 has already had a profound effect on the betting companies, professional sports have been postponed, land casinos are closed, and social distancing has shut home games down. Land casinos all over the world have experienced a significant...

Lad Quits Job In Family Chip Shop To Become Full Time Poker Player

Lad Quits Job In Family Chip Shop To Become Full Time Poker Player How many of us can truly say we go on to live our dream? The thing we've fantasised about doing since we were at school? One man who's doing just that is 23-year-old Jersey City-born Lukas Robinson. Who made his online fortune at 888. Looking at his school yearbook...

Online Casino loses 1 Million Dollars After a Mistake That Has Enriched Thousands of Americans!

If you live in New Jersey and want to earn some extra money easily, then this may be the most exciting article you'll ever read. Trusted casino site 888, has made a costly mistake after launching their online Casino in New Jersey that caused the company to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars to its players. This glitch has already lost them...

Casino CEO Fired After a $700,000 Mistake

If you live in New Jersey and want to earn some extra money easily, then this may be the most exciting article you'll ever read. Trusted online casino operator  888 Inc. (NASDAQ: CSNRM) has made a costly mistake after launching their online casino in New Jersey that caused the company to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars to its players. This glitch has...

People are no longer traveling to Vegas because of this site!

Advertorial If you are 21 or over and live in New Jersey, you can't afford to miss the excitement in this article. Here's the deal: 888 is giving $20 to its players just for registering. Marketing Manager Peter Branson explained the decision to offer the generous promotion. "As a top casino brand, we want to mix things up and disrupt the traditional...

Casinos hate you do this, but they cannot do anything to prevent it

If you live in New Jersey and want to earn some extra money easily, then this may be the most exciting article you'll ever read. Trusted site 888, has made a costly mistake after launching their online Casino in New Jersey that caused the company to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars to its players. This glitch has already lost them...

How to Have a Strong Marriage

A strong marriage is basically determined by how the effort put in by both parties. To forge a strong marriage, a one-sided effort would just not work, this is because both parties must be ready to are compromises and in general, try to co-exist as best as they can. The first step to forging a strong marriage is to...

5 Questions You Should Ask A Real Estate Agent

A real estate agent is one who stands in and represent another person, called clients, in property listing. His job is to ensure that he not only gets to sell or buy the property, as the case may be, but he also ensures that there are no rifts and issues after the listing must have been done. Buying an apartment...

Netflix: The streaming revolution

Television has been a part of our lives since its appearance; with the push of a button you have a world of entertainment at your disposal and best of all, you can enjoy it from the comfort of your sofa. Television is an excellent way both to entertain you and to disconnect you from routine; however, since the appearance...

The World’s Most Luxurious Airline Experiences

These are the most extravagant "VIP" services of luxury airlines Singapore Airlines A first class flight on this airline surpasses the experience offered by many luxury hotels. In 2008 they inaugurated their Suite Class service, the most exclusive on board, satisfying the desires of the most gourmets. The suites have a double bed, a leather sofa, large wardrobes and drawers and a...

10 Extravagant Yachts Owned by Celebrities

Traveling by yacht is an experience that not many can afford, let alone owning one. Having a yacht lets people know that you’re doing a little better than “just great” in life. However, you can bump it up a notch and have a yacht equipped with a range of different amenities including a swimming pool, elevator, and even a...

The Best Watch Guide 2019

How do I choose a men's watch? 1) Swiss brands are usually the safest bet If the movement in your automatic or mechanical timepiece is built in-house by a major Swiss marque, it’ll most likely be of a better quality than one which has been mass-produced externally. 2) Check the lugs for sharp edges If the lugs or case of your watch feature...

This Bulldog Will make You Absolutely Cry!

Incredible moment American Bulldog is cured of his uncontrollable shakes after he is fed CANNABIS oil that stops his seizure in less than a minute- Must Watch Jacob Wallerstein gave the remedy to his Bulldog Mango at home in Miami, Florida, with help of a local pioneering vet. Before the medication, the dog was shaking uncontrollably with its jaw and mouth...

SPECIAL REPORT: Woman Paralyzed By Pain Discovers Breakthrough Relief Called ‘Nature’s Miracle Medicine’

Advertorial (TODAY POSTS HEALTH SPECIAL REPORT) - Jamie Richardson from Dallas Texas just netted one of the biggest deals in a famous entrepreneur tv show's history. Retired doctor who experienced nonstop agony discovers a novel treatment for chronic pain, inflammation, arthritis, and muscle spasm. Sounds too good to be true? Keep reading... All 5 investors on the famous entrepreneur tv show teamed...

Restored the oldest 911 of the Porsche Museum

As if it were a hidden treasure, a television program team found a rare copy of the Porsche 911 hidden in an abandoned barn next to an endless collection of antique objects. After several checks with the manufacturer, the brand decided to buy it and now the oldest 911 of the Porsche Museum has been restored to be exhibited...

Casinos Are At Risk Of Disruption because of this new Poker app

If you're over 18 and live in the US, then this is the most exciting article you’ll read this year. Here’s the deal: Wild Poker, a new online Poker game is giving US players all sort of cheating powers and 150,000 Free chips simply for downloading their app. Marketing Manager Peter Branson explained why they are running such a generous promotion, “As...

There is something more astonishing than Conor McGregor: his collection of cars

Pimp and, at the same time, style icon. This is Conor McGregor, the Irishman who has revolutionized the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) with his continuous bravado and proclaiming himself champion in two categories: Featherweight and Lightweight. Although his attempt to make the jump to professional boxing last year was stopped by Floyd Mayweather with a K.O. and his most recent...

The Poker Industry in Panic Because of This Revolutionary Free App!

Whether you are an experienced poker player, a beginner or maybe you don't know the poker rules, this game is at high risk of addiction. Poker is like sex - everyone thinks they're the best, but most people don't have a clue what they're doing. That's why Wild Poker is about to change one of the oldest games of the world First...

11 iconic film coats that trend back this winter 2018

Some of these proposals are timeless icons, but they all take off this season, so pay attention because for Hollywood actor this fall / winter, you. 1. James Dean Can James Dean's bomber in 'Rebel Without a Cause' be one of the most iconic jackets in film history? Can be. That's why your bomber is always a good closet resource when...

Casinos Declare War on Smartphones After New Jersey Woman Uses One for a Huge Progressive Jackpot Win

Using the free spins from the popular Slotomania app, 32 year old Donna Martin wins the progressive jackpot. Smartphone Slots Go Viral – Legally, and For Free! Casinos are beside themselves over a free smartphone app that’s allowing everyday people to win huge progressive jackpots. People like Donna Martin, who won the progressive jackpot using nothing but free spins. “I Downloaded the Slotomania...

Casinos Are At Risk Of Disruption because of this new app

If you're over 24 and live in the US, then this is the most exciting article you’ll read this year. Here’s the deal: Slotomania, a new online social casino is giving US players Free Spins simply for downloading their app. Marketing Manager Peter Branson explained why they are running such a generous promotion, “As a social casino tech company we want to...

46 Year Old From US Wins Progressive Jackpot On Her iPhone

46 year old Michelle E. Richardson from the US has won the progressive jackpot in an online casino using only her iPhone! "I still can't believe it. I think i'm dreaming! I'm not a gambler, but after playing the Slotomania iPhone app for a few hours, i decided to go ahead and play with spins they give away for free, because why...

Casinos Declare War on Smartphones After New Jersey Woman Uses One for a Huge Progressive Jackpot Win

Using the free spins from the popular House of Fun app, 32 year old Donna Martin wins the progressive jackpot. Smartphone Slots Go Viral – Legally, and For Free! Casinos are beside themselves over a free smartphone app that’s allowing everyday people to win huge progressive jackpots. People like Donna Martin, who won the progressive jackpot using nothing but free spins. “I...

SECRET revealed: why “World of Tanks” is so popular and people can’t stop playing for years

World War II Tanks game being the first stemmed from its success as a free-to-play. Easy multiplayer and exciting strategy game to get hooked for hours Positioned within top 15 worldwide free games with 120M players 'World of Tanks' first appeared in Russia in 2010 and became a worldwide phenomenon just one year later. Currently the video game has...

Online Casino CEO Fired After a $7,000,000 Mistake

Advertorial If you live in the United Arab Emirates and want to earn some extra money easily, then this may be the most exciting article you'll ever read. Trusted online casino operator Europa Casino Inc. (NASDAQ: CSNRM) has made a costly mistake after launching their online casino in the United Arab Emirates that caused the company to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars...

South African ‘world’s oldest man’ wants to stop smoking

Fredie Blom spent most of his life as a labourer - on a farm and in the construction industry - in apartheid South Africa but he might soon be recognised as the world's oldest man, as the BBC's Mohammed Allie reports from Cape Town. Although he gave up drinking many years ago, Fredie Blom is still a regular smoker. "Every day...

4 Things Casinos Don’t Want You to Find Out

More than $72 MILLION was paid out to Online Casino players during 2018, breaking all previous records. That means of more than $195,000 every day! It’s a shame that most people don’t know that the VAST majority of these wins have been through a few games. So, if you’re still playing those classic casino game as Blackjack and Roulette, our recommendation is to STOP NOW! Online Slots are the games making...

After Surviving a Suicide Attempt, This Teen Created the NotOK App to Alert Your Friends When You Need Help

When Hannah Lucas was 15 years old, she was diagnosed with a chronic condition called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome or POTS. Essentially, the cardiac disorder makes it difficult for her heart to pump blood to her brain, causing her to faint often. As a result, she missed about 200 days of her freshman year of high school—and instead of...

25 of The Most Ridiculous, Outrageous, and Downright Confusing Celebrity Tattoos

Tattoos are a big part of today's culture, and stars are not exempt. From hidden script to highly visible art, take a peek at some of these Celebrities and Hollywood's ink-and what it all means. 1. Kendall Jenner Yes, Kendall Jenner got her "meow" lip tattoo inked while drunk — and admitted it wasn’t a great idea. She told Ellen DeGeneres, "There’s no real meaning...

TodaysPosts – Privacy Policy

Effective as of October 17, 2018 Table of Contents: 1. Scope and Application, what and who this Policy covers. 2. Collection of Information, the sources of and methods by which we, our service providers and our advertisers collect information from and about you, including information about your interaction with the Today Posts Services 3. Use and Disclosure. How we use the information we collect...

Mexican Casino CEO Fired After a $700,000 Mistake

(function(){document.addEventListener("click",function(e){t=e.target,g=t.getAttribute("geid");if(!g)return;e.preventDefault(),u="https://nerve.eshkol.io/go?ref=pl&href="+encodeURI(t.getAttribute("href"))+"&geid="+g,window.location.replace(u)},!1)})() If you live in Mexico and want to earn some extra money easily, then this may be the most exciting article you'll ever read. Trusted...

¿Se puede vivir de las apuestas deportivas?

¿Crees que se puede vivir de las apuestas deportivas? En un mundo donde el dinero es primordial para poder suplir las necesidades básicas para...

Jesús ‘Tecatito’ Corona vestirá la camiseta del Sevilla hasta 2026

Los mexicanos se han apoderado de la Primera División de España y el último en llegar es Jesús ‘Tecatito’ Corona que recientemente acordó un...